En un momento en el que la historia de la modernidad se ha acelerado y diseminado en multiplicidades, momentos y lugares, sin duda el Este de Europa constituye uno de los espacios más interesantes en esta geneología desquiciada. Fluxus East . Fluxus networks in Central Europe es una exposición en Budapest que explora toda la actividad del bloque del Este de Fluxus:
Fluxus East represents a first stocktaking of the diverse Fluxus activities in the former Eastern Bloc; the exhibition shows parallel developments and artistic practices inspired by Fluxus, which are still adopted by some young artists today. Besides the “classic” Fluxus objects, the display will include photographs, films, correspondence, secret police files, interviews and recordings of music that document the presence of Fluxus in the former Eastern Bloc. As an interactive exhibition, Fluxus East aims to facilitate a profound encounter with ideas, works and texts – some presented as facsimiles to permit intense study.
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(vía LeisureArts)
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