El V2 Institute for Unstable Media de Rotterdam desarrolla desde hace 25 años un modelo de centro de arte que incorpora no sólo la exposición y materiales documentales derivados de ésta, con excelentes publicaciones, sino también el espacio colectivo de trabajo del medialab y la reflexión del archivo digital. En este sentido, es ejemplar para entender cómo debería repensarse la presencia de los centros de arte en la red. Además de programa de residencias, incluye otra buena práctica: la de dar a conocer en tiempo y forma las vacantes laborales, con independencia de su importancia jerárquica. Así que si cumples los requisitos, hasta el próximo día 29 de septiembre están recibiendo candidaturas para comisario jefe (senior curator) y desarrollador de hardware:
V2_ was founded in 1981 and is currently located in the center of Rotterdam. It has a presentation space, a media lab, a publishing house and offices. V2_ is an interdisciplinary center for art, technology and media that pays special attention to research. Thus, it has many collaborative ties with institutions in various sectors (such as art, universities and colleges, and the business world). This research concentrates on the relationship between art, technology, media and society and is made accessible through public presentations. Over the past 25 years, a growing domestic and international audience has had the opportunity at V2_ to get acquainted with prominent artists, thinkers and projects in the field of art, media and technology through exhibitions, presentations, symposiums and performances. V2_ currently employs 24 permanent staff.
About the senior curator position
The position is focused on the development of V2_’s presentations, exhibitions, conferences and other activities. The successful applicant will have all necessary knowledge and experience in the interdisciplinary sphere where art and technology meet, and to maintain an international network of contacts in this area. Experience in putting together international, interdisciplinary programs, exhibitions and conferences is a must. In light of the international character of the position, the curator must speak different languages (English at a minimum) and be open to learn Dutch (if needed). Because the position concerns interdisciplinary activities, the successful applicant should be well-informed in multiple fields. General knowledge in media theory is important.
Todos los detalles en su web, bajo vacancies.
(Thanks, Michelle!)
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